Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pre-Bible Study Questions.


  1. When you have a question, where do you look first?                     


  2. What do spend your time questioning?                            


  3. Do all questions have a right or wrong answer? Or does it depend on the situation?


    (ie. divorce, abortion, lying, fornication, "murder in self-defense", etc.)



  4. Why are you a Christian? Why do you believe in the Bible? (because your parents do?)






  1. How does believing in God make you feel? (empowered, humble, blessed, accountable,

    righteous, etc.?)





  2. What do you think is going to happen to other (non-Christians) after they pass away?






  3. What is more important, what you do or what you believe? (you must explain why.)







    Name:                         Date:                 

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